Production DBA or Developer DBA: What’s the Difference?

SQL Server these days is a complex software that goes beyond Database Administration. There are many features in SQL Server including SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services),
SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), etc. You may not have a chance to learn
or use all of these features during your career. This might be challenging (to try
to learn all of them), but a good thing about this is that there is always something
new to learn and try.

DBAs create, introduce, test, investigate and protect the enormous data systems inside the firms that store relevant information. As, they create and secure the system structures that store and return internet inquiries. With this, we require gatekeepers and maintainers to organize, manage, maintain and update the database on a regular basis. Without having a database, it would be impossible for you to analyze your data in a meaningful way. It’s truly an exciting time in the data world with new approaches to data collection and manipulation. Managing one’s career is somewhat like an art, different people may have different styles with different
interests in different aspects.

Trending Courses

Data in the telecom industry, for example, are highly sought after for their skills in handling huge volumes of data. Your CV gives potential employers an overview of your competence and accomplishments. Start by including your education, work experience, and professional certificates. You should also how to become a sql dba developer highlight key projects you’ve worked on to demonstrate your skills. This can be helpful if you’re just starting out and don’t have an extensive work history. Learn more about database server certifications, what it means to be a certified developer, and how to qualify for popular certifications.

how to become a sql server dba

This program includes taking a progression of four challenging certification exams. If you endure the certification procedure, you’ll be joining a tip-top club of certified database experts. If you’re interested in learning SQL for a career in data analytics, consider earning the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate through Coursera. In addition to developing proficiency in SQL, you can also learn job-ready skills like Tableau, R programming, spreadsheets, and data visualization.

Trending SQL DBA Tutorials

Oracle, MySQL, IBM Db2, Cassandra, and MongoDB are the most used database server. If you have set your sights higher than working with MS Access, then you should consider the advanced level certification programs. Microsoft offers multiple certification programs for experienced MS SQL Server Administrators including the MS Certified Database Admin (MCDBA). These experts counsel organizations and establishments on the best way to improve database and systematic frameworks. They assess surviving projects, investigate issues, and propose elective alternatives. These experts additionally help IT experts in deciphering organization data onto new stages, and they help organization workers, and customers or patients get to new frameworks.

The administrator learns about data volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value. The primary certification from the ICCP, the CDP, evaluates your competency and currency on fundamental IT concepts. A certification that has been around for decades, originally known as the Certified Data Processor, the CDP is an independent validation of relevant information security skills.

Steps to Become a SQL Server Database Administrator

However, for smaller, single-company databases a non-specialist DBA is usually sufficient. A junior DBA role might also be working within a team of more senior database administrators and may not have full control or responsibility of a database. That’s OK though, you’ll get to learn what’s involved and get some invaluable experience about database administration.

For example, in one company, high availability may be considered more important than performance, or performance more important than stability, or
cost is more important than scalability, etc. Only after you go through several different administration
cultures / teams will you be more mature in your visions and critical thinking toward your daily DBA work. A database administrator (DBA) is the person responsible for managing a database environment.


Microsoft suggests those seeking this certification first familiarize themselves with Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals. Perform everyday database administration tasks with SQL Admin Toolset that provides 24 essential tools to diagnose, analyze, and administer SQL Server instances. It gives suggestions for how to acquire those skills and find the first database administrator job working with SQL Server. Database administrators need to handle all facets of managing Microsoft SQL Server ranging from installation and patching to creating databases to managing permissions that allow users to use the databases.

how to become a sql server dba

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